
AZ trip a Bust!

Well, last year I put in like 400miles of Off road riding over 7 days This year did like 5.5 hours of riding during 1.5 days...... I had a 104/103 fever for two days, I mean I was riding in the upper 80's in the desert and was cold! I was able to get 1.5 rides in Tucson before I got sick with the Flu/sinuses. Spent the rest of the time resting in the hotel that Sara was staying at. I was well enough to do LA on the weekend, but my spring training camp was ruined.... Got pictures from the first day of riding. Thinking that August will be my peak time.


Ride with DCMTB

Sunday was the day or our annual team party kick-off to the season. We did a road ride, and 11 DCMTBers came out which was the most of my team I have ever rode with at one time. There were some other folks like Evan, Jud, Jed, and others. This ride was the revit for me. I was hanging on barely for a couple of the hills. Once on River road we kinda broke up for a bit, then got back together on MacArthur Blvd. Once Marc Gwadz left to go home, I was able to limp home in really nice 50+ degree weather.